Tedia — The Transmedia Blog

Category: Uncategorized

Here is a thought, imagine you as the content creator is the witch in the popular folktale of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and the content consumers are the titular children in this tale. You as the witch wants to lead them into your house to well gobble them up. In this allegory, the house is the desired action or feeling you want the content consumers to have after consuming the breadcrumbs that you had provided earlier. This is what I call…

If you are a guy trying to lose some weight either for health or egoistic reasons gym is a must for any guy. I believe that wholeheartedly. You set a target there and you achieve it. Going to the gym is one of the healthiest habits that a guy could inculcate to look good and feel good as well. And in order to achieve that optimal body type that you envision for yourself would only be possible if you give…

Lets go on a journey to witness and record the great things that are coming to pass in this brave new world of a quagmire of content stewn upon a cacophony of media that permeates through different platforms to become transmedia content.


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