Tedia — The Transmedia Blog

Blogging is a phenomenon that had been in effect for quite a reasonable number of years in the known world – especially in developed countries with clear access to high-speed internet broadband. It had enabled the individual to have their say in an array of topics and even to show that one has expertise in the area that they are specifically blogging about. In the post-2010 era that we are in now, I believe blogging had become from something that only individuals did to what companies could do as well.

By blogging, companies could show that they too have quite an expertise in their field and have various insights on the industry that they operate in. These articles that they write actually helps actualize the branding efforts of the organisation and even aid customers to personify the persona of the legal entity that is a company. For instance, by blogging, the innovative dry-erase wall paint Ideapaint focuses on talking about Ideas and how ideas play a big role in human endeavours and improving human society as a whole. In addition to that, blogging employs storytelling to tell readers about interesting projects that they had done. As a wise entrepreneur once said, “all the projects that we had done (to date) are not just projects, but they are stories to be told”.


Using a blog on the company website is now becoming common practice. This Is because by maintaining a blog and actually talking about subjects that matter and showcasing important projects done, the business could bank on the fact that they know their ‘shit’ and that they are a bona fide company that is interesting.

However, maintaining a blog is hard work. Writing good articles take time and good prose that not everyone in the organisation has unless the employee is a Social Media Executive; which very few small or mid-size firms do. They take this as a luxury that they could not afford. Thus, they lose out on putting a conscious effort to portray the psyche of the organisation to their potential customer in order to boost sales.

Some newer organisations, run by young hip tech-savvy people do like to maintain a blog by themselves while using their time to run the day-to-day operations of the business as well. If they could manage to run the business and blog as well that’s great but by spreading one too thin; especially in the case of an entrepreneur, might hinder the running of the business.

One solution I would like to raise for this dilemma is to employ a marketing agency. I believe there is a marketing agency boom in the world today fueled by the democratisation of information and high availability of tools to run an international marketing agency using a good high-speed internet connection.

If conventional marketing agencies prove to be too expensive, what if in the case where there are special agencies that only cater to blogging – a writing agency of sorts (I will cover the idea of such an agency In a future post). They could send a representative to learn about the company and then they could write pieces for your company blog. It’s the perfect use of outsourced labour for any organisation whether they be big or small.

Why do I emphasize on company blogging in developed nations? Well to elaborate I want to point out it is only feasible in a place where social networking and high-speed internet is available so that content created by blogging would actually reach the intended audience and in return, the audience will be able to carry on a dialogue with the organisation itself as well. In a country where there is not much exposure for digital technologies, the business ought to be focused in the day to day running of the business and the traditional means of social networking – by having roadshows and by the use of word of mouth. However, the availability of high-speed internet is growing across the world. And this makes blogging and content management a very interesting and valuable thing to do in the business spheres to improve leads and cement the branding of the organisation.

I believe by doing a company blog right- in addition to having a social media presence, any company could actually increase leads and even improve the credibility and the trustworthiness of the organisation itself. Thus with blogging, however you might do it, let’s give our organisations that are legal entities, a voice to talk to its precious customers and to actually regale everyone of the great deeds that it had achieved due to its existence. Wouldn’t that be a swell idea – wouldn’t it?

To give an additional viewpoint on the importance of having a company blog here is another article on it:

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