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If you are a guy trying to lose some weight either for health or egoistic reasons gym is a must for any guy. I believe that wholeheartedly. You set a target there and you achieve it. Going to the gym is one of the healthiest habits that a guy could inculcate to look good and feel good as well. And in order to achieve that optimal body type that you envision for yourself would only be possible if you give it your all while doing your workouts. And sometimes you might get lost in the moment there. That’s when bad things happen to you.

One of the most devastating thing that happened to me while I was at the gym was the time when I lost my phone. It is like I had it lying on the floor near me when I was doing my crunches and such abdominal exercises and the next minute it had vanished into thin air. Spirited away due to some unknown circumstance. And one circumstance that I could believe was that someone had stolen it while I wasn’t looking.

Well ones that happened the best thing would be to go to your nearest police station and file a report there and if you are in public facility, let the security there know the situation as well and what your phone looks like; just in case someone found it and decides to return it back to you – out of the goodness of their heart. No Shit! That is very unlikely unless you living in freaking Japan.

You could try tracking your phone quickly using a tracker software on your phone like ‘Prey’ or Apple’s ‘Find my Device’. But fat chance of that happening as well as either the ‘perp’ had turned off the phone or if you are at the gym late in the evening most probably it might have run out of juice already. Even if you do track your phone, if you are living in a country like Singapore or a country which is a metropolitan city where most of the buildings are high rise complexes, tracking software had not developed to the point that it could do 3-d tracking; at least not that I have heard of for smartphones.

But we are living in an age where new technology is booming and the new best thing in town is wearables. Wearables are devices that you wear on your body and have it with you almost all the time – even when you are sleeping or in the shower or taking a swim in shallow waters. Smartphone manufacturers have jumped on this bandwagon and created smartwatches which are packaged with their smartphones. One interesting function that these smartwatches carry is to warn you if you are away from your phone more than a set distance or even conveniently track where your phone is. I have yet to experience first-hand, the reliability of this method but being a new technology I presume that at the moment I would not count on it to find your phone when it’s a genuine situation where you have actually lost your phone. Besides that, it makes very cool gimmick.

So let’s agree that not losing the phone in the first place is the best rather than trying to find a way to get it back.

So coming back to the gym environment, the first thing we need to keep in mind is the question that ‘why do we lose our phones while in the gym?’ You cannot blame it on society or any other macro shit like that. Just think intrinsically on a reason that you, yourself had allowed your ‘property’ to get stolen.

Especially in institutions such as universities in a country like Singapore which is deemed to be very safe. I do agree it is one of the safest countries for your livelihood and your body but not to your belongings. I am not saying that there might be some hooligans in fast motorcycles who would chance you down to mug you or anything but if you had left your belonging unguarded in some area, then apparently its fair game.

I have seen in libraries people leaving their valuable laptops and purses on a table and go somewhere else, leaving their valuables just easy prey for anyone to take them. Another scenario closer to the topic is that in some gyms – especially university gyms – I have seen people just ‘throw’ their phones everywhere and thinking no one will nick them.

This false sense of security might be due to the fact that if it’s a developed nation, there must be CCTVs everywhere. And if a perp really steals your stuff, the law will use all their resources and time to track these ‘evil shites’ down eh. WRONG. Sometimes CCTVs are there as just a ‘scarecrow’. As to give the impression that if you are thinking of being a thief, you are being watched. The reality of the situation is that no one is really watching anyone and the CCTV’s are so poorly place even the most stupid of all thieves could find countless dead spots to evade the CCTVs without even putting any effort at all. And police gets hundreds of cases of lost smartphones every day and they are not paid enough or have enough resources to deal with these kinds of issues. Frankly, they do not give a damn. The only thing I got from them was a stern telling off. They told me that kids my age take stuff for granted as our parents bought them rather than us using our own money. That is true to some extent so we need to just for this once not blame others but blame ourselves for being careless.

But the reason that we were keeping our phones with us instead of putting it safely inside a locker in the gym was that we might get an important call or text while working out. In addition to that, we might have important gym instructions written on our phone or use an app on the phone as well. On the other hand, we might not want to keep the phone in our pocket as it might fall out when we are doing some specific exercises at the gym or it might be difficult to do a particular motion while something like a phone is in our pocket which might be facing to the outer side of our thighs.

Thus, I have come up with a solution or a quick fix that just might help. I have been using this neat trick for more than a year or so and it totally works. The trick is to buy some pairs of those compression gear shorts which is available from any sports gear shop and wear them underneath your shorts while working out. Not only that this gives you an ample boost to your thighs when doing some intensive motions but it gives a new and secure space to put your smartphone. You just need to wedge the phone underneath the compression short, against your thighs. One thing is that you feel that you have your phone on you all the time and the other is since the phone is rather securely fit in this position it will not fall off while doing any exercise that requires you to lie down or do any erratic motions. Not only that this allows you to move your phone to any area in the circumference of your thigh so that the phone does not restrict your range of movements when doing any particular work out.

I used to put my phone on one side of the compression gear and my card wallet on the other side which makes it very convenient when at big gyms such as Fitness First. Not only is using this simple ‘trick’ more convenient but it gives you peace of mind knowing that your phone is with you all the time.

Nowadays, there are specially made shorts or compression tights that you could wear which has special pockets to keep your cards and your phone. Something like this could be a godsend for people like us who do wants to keep our phone on our person at all times. Here is one good example of the specialised gear. There are not that many clothing companies making such specilised shorts but hopefully in the future this will become the norm for gym shorts. 


From all the things that could ruin the cool vibe you’ve been building up working out regularly could be destroyed in mere minutes. Seriously, losing your phone at your in the gym could be a factor that could deter you from going to the gym regularly falling back into bad habits and that is an extremely bad thing to happen.

So what do you think of this ‘trick’ to not lose your phone at the gym. I’d love to know what you think about – put your comments below and as always have a great day.

Happy Gymming!

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